Mission Statement

The Mission of the Fairfax Climate Action Committee is to work with the Town Council and Town Residents to achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2030 (adopted July 28, 2020).

The Fairfax Climate Action Committee (“CAC”) was established to implement the Climate Action Plan, first adopted by the Fairfax Town Council on February 5, 2014.Our latest Fairfax Climate Action Plan 2030 was adopted on July 7, 2021.

Jody D. Timms - Chair

As a native Californian, Jody moved to Fairfax 30 years ago from San Francisco. She stepped into the role of Chair of the Climate Action Committee in April 2022 after joining the committee in 2014. She has a long history of community activism and professional experience in a number of fields and earned a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences from CIIS in 1988. As an early adopter, Jody bought her first “neighborhood electric vehicle,” American-made and used in 2008, installed solar panels in 2011, a battery storage system in 2019, and over the years has added a rainwater catchment system, a greywater system, chickens, bees, organic gardening and a lot of composting. She fully electrified her home in the Cascades in 2020, assisted by over $10,000 in low-income rebates! She is deeply concerned and committed to improving the lives of all sentient beings on our beautiful planet Earth. Jody is active as a founding member of the grassroots, climate change organization, 350Marin.org

Mitch Greer - Vice Chair

Artist, Writer, Designer and Barista, Mitch Greer, is a compassion-focused activist, and a self-identified Solar Punk. Arriving in Fairfax in 2021, they originally joined the CAC as a designer and volunteer, producing most of the visual materials during that time. Mitch is passionate about Climate Action, occupying almost all of his activism work with Climate Changemakers and CAC. Passionate about Economic Inequality, Feminism, and representation in marginalised communities, they spend their time making coffee at various speciality coffee shops and researching in the evenings. Mitch currently serves as Vice-Chair of CAC. Combining years of experience as an illustrator, digital artist, technologist, and designer.

Bruce Ackerman - Interim Secretary and Town Council Liaison

Our family has lived in Fairfax for nearly 30 years now, having fallen in love with the land, the creative people, the community spirit, the local food and our vibrant democracy. We are all deeply involved, and for myself I’ve served on GPAC, GPIC, the Climate Action Committee, the Planning Commission and now Town Council. My earlier life has included much work in solar energy and conservation, instrumentation and computer software, epidemiology, and political organizing, while supporting my partner's midwifery and our daughter's farming.

Stephanie Hellman - Mayor

Stephanie Hellman is a Marin County native who has lived in Fairfax for 20 years.  She is a mother of 3 kids, a social justice activist and a purpose-driven leader. She was elected to the Fairfax Town Council in November 2019. A former financial services exec of 22 years, she has been happy to apply her marketing, communication and project management skills to the Climate Action Committee.  Stephanie is committed to advancing gender equality as critical drawdown initiative and treating Climate Change as the emergency that it is. She considers these as the most important global and social change initiatives of our time. Stephanie co-founded the MCCMC’s water policy subcommittee on water policy which examines Marin’s water system’s policies, programs and solutions to ensure sustainable and predictable supply for potable and non-potable needs now and in the future. During her tenure at Wells Fargo she was awarded Volunteer Service Leave for designing a social impact program with clean water non-profit that brought her to India.

Kiki La Porta- Community 

Kiki La Porta has dedicated the last 20+ years to promoting environmental and economic sustainability, social equity, and climate justice—both professionally and in her personal life. As a communications consultant, she has guided branding, advertising, marketing, and social campaigns for MCE Clean Energy, Marinwater/MMWD, Marin General Hospital, League of Women Voters, Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative, Marin Conservation League and many others. She is an ardent environmentalist and passionate advocate for wise public policy, socially responsible business, and conscious everyday decision-making. She loves her granddaughter, her garden, her worms, and her electric bike. And Fairfax.

David Haskell- Community 

David Haskell is a fifth-generation native Californian - Born in Lassen County - Raised in Pleasanton - Graduated from UC Berkeley. David lived most of his adult life in New Zealand where his three children and 7 grandchildren reside. David presently works as the Solar Project Manager for Cooperative Community Energy of San Rafael. (www.ccenergy.com)

While working in NZ he held a number of positions including CEO, Pacific Plastic Recyclers; Group Manager of the NZ Ministry of Energy’s Conservation Directorate; and Senior Partner of Mountain Valley Resources. Queen Elizabeth honored David for his service to the New Zealand in the field of resource conversation. David is the California & Nevada State Chair of the Sierra Club’s Zero Waste Committee. He is an officer of the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and serves on the Board of Sustainable Marin.

Joe Hewlings

Joe and his family have lived in Fairfax since 2017. In joining the climate action committee he is determined to leave a safe, liveable and humane Fairfax for his son’s generation. In his role on the Committee, Joe focuses on equitable decarbonization of buildings in Fairfax.

Joe makes a living as a mechanical building services engineer and is passionate about the impact of buildings on human health, the invisible impacts of our everyday choices on the world and society at large, and the joys of getting around by bicycle. 

Lucie Martikan - Intern

Lucie Martikan is a rising third-year college student studying sustainable development and environmental science at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. She grew up in Marin County with a reverence for its open space, which drew her to environmental science. Her leadership positions in the outdoors society and sustainable development society in college pushed her to attend climate justice rallies and sparked her interest in climate activism.

She is currently a college intern with 350Marin and is working with Fairfax and San Anselmo CACs as a Climate Action planning Assistant with a particular focus on green and accessible public transportation. She believes building electrification is the future, and implementation on the local level is critical in addressing our climate crisis and preserving our beautiful county.

Elise Jonas-Delson - Intern

Elise grew up in Marin and is currently a third-year student at UC San Diego, where she studies public policy and linguistics. She is deeply involved in climate organizing on campus, most prominently in efforts to push UCSD and the UC system to divest from fossil fuel banking and decarbonize its energy systems. Elise is driven by the urgency of the climate crisis, and the realization that we cannot continue to live like "business as usual" while on the verge of ecological collapse. She is passionate about the intersections between climate, racial, and economic justice, and the belief that another world is possible.