Check Out How Fairfax Been Doing with
Green House Gasses


Fairfax Greenhouse Gas Meter:

The pages that follow are what we call the Fairfax "Meter". The idea is to show us all how we're doing, on reducing our water use, or on reaching our zero waste goals. We envision somehow presenting this information in a very visible way, so it really raises awareness of our collective "footprint" and fosters the community based responses we are so good at in our lovely town!

We work with the utilities to get the aggregate usage for the town every billing cycle. Thank you to MMWD, MCE and Marin Sanitary, who have all been enthusiastic about participating and have all given us data going back several years, so we can see the current numbers in context. We don't yet have data from PG&E, as they are more difficult to get data from. Click on the image below to begin playing the slideshow or view the images on the right in a new page.